Dear Three-Month Trial,

To no surprise, you came back around the end of March like you always do. I’m starting to think you have a calendar with a specific date marked ‘disrupt ____’s peace’. Like clockwork, you make your way back into my life through an Instagram-like or corny DM as if it hasn’t been 6 months since our last conversation. I can’t give you all the blame though… oh wait yes I can because you were the problem. You’re the one that gets jealous, bleeds into my friend group, and acts like you don’t see me when we’ve clearly made eye contact. Here’s to your snarky remarks, broken promises, and need for a new girl every season. You won’t see me this time around or maybe you will because to be honest, I love toxicity. I’m not saying this is an open invitation but if you send me a notification to subscribe I just might accept the trial one last time before I say goodbye after graduation


The girl you’re trying to find in everyone else



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